Jumat, 20 April 2012

Tugas B.Inggris Bisnis 2 (ke-2)


Ke- 2

NAMA : Irwan Permana
Kelas : 4 EA 12
Npm : 10208662

Nominal Terhitung dan Tidak terhitung
Countable nouns adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, yang dapat menunjukkan kuantitas atau jumlah, contohnya kata benda pen dapat dihitung one, two, atau three pens.
Contoh kata benda yang dapat dihitung: cat, dog, man, baby, person, animal, bottle, box, coin, cup, plate, table, chair, bag, glass, book, house, etc. Benda-benda yang ada di sekitar kita umumnya adalah benda yang dapat dihitung.
S(kata benda countable)+V/to be/auxiliary(singular/plural)+O/C
Contoh countable nouns dalam kalimat:
- Do you like these photos?
- I’m going out for five minutes.

            Uncountable nouns (disebut juga mass nouns) adalah kebalikan dari countable nouns, yaitu kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, contohnya kata benda water. Kata benda tersebut tidak bisa dikatakan a water atau two water, tetapi lebih tepat digunakan bersama dengan kata benda lainnya yang dapat dihitung, misalnya a glass of water atau two glass of water.
Contoh kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung: sand, air, rice, sugar, cheese, tea, coffee, advice, assistance, fun, money, music, art, love, etc.
S(kata benda uncountable)+ V/to be/auxiliary(singular)+O/C
Contoh uncountable nouns dalam kalimat:
- Can I have some water?     
- Shall we sit on the grass?

Perhatikan beberapa catatan mengenai countable dan uncountable nouns di bawah ini :
Much dan many yang sama-sama berarti banyak, biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah pada countable dan uncountable nouns. Many digunakan untuk countable nouns dan terletak mendahuluinya, sedangkan much digunakan untuk uncountable nouns.
- How many years have you lived in Surabaya?
- She didn’t have much fun at the Tunjungan Plaza.

Number dan amount mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu jumlah atau sejumlah. Number digunakan untuk countable nouns, sedangkan amount untuk uncountable nouns.
- My teacher gives me a large number of assignments
- My teacher gives me a large amount of homework.

Few dan little mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu sedikit. Few digunakan untuk countable nouns, sedangkan little digunakan untuk uncountable nouns.
- The party has attended by a few men.
- There is only a little milk on the table.
Fewer dan less mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu sedikit. Fewer digunakan untuk countable nouns, sedangkan less digunakan untuk uncountable nouns.
- This kind of job will give you fewer dollars
- He pays me less money than I though
Some dan any mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu beberapa, biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah tak tentu pada countable nouns (plural) atau uncountable nouns.
- I’ve got some money.
- Have you got any rice?
Countable nouns dapat berbentuk singular maupun plural.
- My cat is playing.
- My cats are hungry.
Countable nouns yang singular dapat didahului dengan kata this, that, every, each, either, dan neither, sedangkan yang plural biasanya didahului kata these, those, some, any, enough, dan zero article. Lihat juga catatan dan contoh di atas.
Umumnya, uncountable nouns tidak dapat dibuat menjadi plural, kecuali jika disertai oleh jenis kata lainnya.
- There are new wines being introduced every day.
- The waters of the Atlantic are much warmer this time of year.
Countable nouns dapat diawali oleh a, an (indefinite article) untuk singular dan the (definite article) untuk singular maupun plural.
Jika countable nouns berbentuk singular, maka penggunaan kata seperti a, an, the, my, this, dsb. harus digunakan.
- I want an orange. (tidak bisa dikatakan I want orange.)
- Where is my bottle? (tidak bisa dikatakan Where is bottle?)
Tetapi, jika countable nouns berbentuk plural, maka kata benda itu dapat berdiri sendiri:
- I like oranges.
- Bottles can break.
Terkadang uncountable nouns diperlakukan singular yang akhirnya juga menggunakan verba singular.
- This news is very important.
- Your luggage looks heavy.
Indefinite article a, an tidak umum dipakai pada uncountable nouns.
- a piece of news (bukan a news)
- a bottle of water (bukan a water)
Jadi, harus diberi kata keterangan di depannya. Perhatikan contoh lainnya berikut ini.
- There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease.
- He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview
Uncountable nouns juga sering digunakan tanpa article (zero article)
- Poetry is beautiful.
- Sugar is sweet.
Uncountable nouns dapat didahului dengan kata some, any, enough, this, that, dan much. Dan karena bukan countable nouns maka tidak dapat didahului dengan kata these, those, every, each, either, and neither. Lihat lagi catatan dan contoh di atas.
Merupakan hal yang penting untuk mengetahui apakah suatu kata benda itu termasuk dalam countable nouns atau uncountable nouns. Hal ini akan memudahkan kita untuk mengenali jenis kata apa saja yang dapat diletakkan di sekitarnya.

I have a test about the usage of gerunds, infinitives, simple form verbs (bare infinitives/verb1), and present participles (verb-ing) and past participles (verb3). Here we go.
  1. He allowed me use / to use / using his car.
  2. I don’t mind have / to have / having a roommate.
  3. I was getting sleepy, so I had my friend drive / to drive / driving the car.
  4. We noticed Professor Chang to eat / eating / eaten dinner with some friends.
  5. Would you please remind me call / to call / calling Barbo tomorrow.
  6. Romy advised finish / to finish / finishing this test carefully.
  7. Someone advised him finish / to finish / finishing this test carefully.
  8. She likes to have the house clean / to clean / cleaned everyday.
  9. The boy was seen climb / to climb / climbing up a tree.
  10. We saw the poor boy beat / to beat / beaten black and blue.
  11. You had better do / to do / done your work at once.
  12. I can’t imagine such an old man climb / to climb / climbing the mountain.
  13. Maria has been appointed as secretary / secretary / to be secretary.
  14. The thief was heard jump / to jump / jumped off the wall.
  15. Who / What / Which have they named their son?
  16. The teacher wants this test finish / to finish / finished in not more than one hour.
  17. The boy washed his shirts clean / cleanly / cleaned.
  18. The students should be made come / to come / coming on time.
  19. Have you heard English speak / to speak / spoken in your village.
  20. I asked my roommate let / to let / letting me use / to use / used his shoe polish.

Neither Either

Neither Either + noun + Nor or + Plural noun + Plural verb

Neither Wenda  nor  her friends are going to Jakarta today
Either Wenda or  her friends are going to Jakarta today.

Neither Either+ noun +Nor or+singular noun+singular verb

Neither Richard nor Randy  is going to Jakarta today.
Either Richard or Randy  is going to Jakarta today.

1.      Neither Cornell nor Catherine (is/are) going to the movie tonight.
2.      Either Willy ofhis wife (make/makes) breakfast each morning.
3.      Neither Olga nor her parents (has/have) seen this movie before.
4.      Neither the boys nor Andrei (has/have) seen this movie before.
5.      Either Raymond or Vladimir (is/are) bringing the car.
6.      Neither Endo nor his friends (is/are) going tp class today.
7.      Neither Sally nor Emma (has/have) been in Paris.
8.      Neither Jean or Paul (do/does) his homework.
9.      Either Jack or Alex (don’t/doesn’t) like horror movies.
10.   10.Either Karen or Jason (have/has) a car
Pronoun as subje
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Reciprocal Pronouns
You (singular)
You (plural)
1.    This is … bicycle.
a.       Rudy’s                  b. him                   c. he                      d. Rudy
2.       Aunt Tina has a new car. The Grey car over there is …
a.       Her                         b. hers                  c. she                    d. she’s
3.       Susi’s uncle is carrying a bag.  … is going to the office.
a.       She                        b. his                     c. he                      d. him
4.       When Rini and I were in the yard, father called …
a.       Us                           b. they                  c. their                  d. we
5.       A : The weather is hot in Surabaya. Which shirt do you need?
B : I need the thin …
a.       One                       b. once                 c. one’s                                d. ones
6.       This test is not difficult, … can do it.
a.       No one                 b. one                   c. anybody          d. noboby
7.       I have a pen friend in Canada. We have been waiting to … since last year.
a.       Some other        b. other                                c. each other      d. another
8.       I have a book. This is … book
a.       Your                       b. my                     c. his                      d. her
9.       Look, that is Ekajaya! … is my classmate.
a.       She                        b. I                          c. You                    d. He
10.   Tino is a student and Budi is too. … are SMP student.
a.       We                         b. they                  c. you                    d. you and I
11.   Look at the picture. … is a black board.
a.       This                        b. that                   c. these                                d. those
12.   I don’t like this shirt. Give me … one, please.
a.       Other                    b. others              c. another           d. the other
13.   I came to Ani’s house last night. I knocked the door, but there was no answer. I think there wasn’t any body there. I am sure there was … at home.
a.       Everyone             b. anyone            c. someone        d. no one
14.   Mr. Ismail is their history teacher. He teaches … very well.
a.       Them                    b. us                      c. me                     d. him
15.   Tony and I have many books. These books are …
a.       Theirs                    b. his                     c. yours                                d. Ours
Possessive Adjective (Kata Ganti sebagai Milik)

Pronoun sebagai Possessive Adjecive diletakkan didepan Noun (Kata Benda) untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan.
My name
Your name
Their name
Our name
His name
Her name
Its name
  • Untuk menunjukkan milik tidak menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) tetapi menggunakan nama atau kata benda, digunakan apostrophe (tanda ‘) ditambah s dibelakang nama atau kata benda tersebut.
  • Tetapi jika berakhiran dengan huruf desis (seperti “s” atau “z”) cukup ditambah dengan tanda apostrophe (tanda ‘) saja.Example:
  • Budi’s house (Rumah budi)
  • Rini’s house
  • My aunt’s car
  • My sister’s friend
  • Sulis’ cat
  • Agus’ hat
Contoh Latihan soal :
Answer the correct form of the pronoun or possessive adjective in the following sentences.
Note : the Bold text is a correct answer.
1.      I go to school with (he/him) everyday
2.      I see (she/her/herself) at the Union every Friday.
3.      She speaks to (we/us/ourselves) every morning.
4.      Isn’t (she/her) a nice person ?.
5.      (He/Him) is going to New York on vacation.
6.      (She/Her) and John gave the money to the boy.
7.      (Yours/Your) record is scratched and (my/mine) is too.
8.      I hurt (my/mine/the) leg.
9.      John bought (himself/herself/hisself) a new coat.
10.  (We/Us) girs are going camping over the weekend.
11.  Mr. Jones cut (hisself/himself) shaving.
12.  We like (our/ours) new car very much.
13.  The dog bit (she/her) on the leg.
14.  John (he/himself) went to the meeting.
15.  You’ll stick (you/your/yourself) with the pins if you are not careful.
16.  Marry and (I/me) would rather go to the movies.
17.  Everyone has to do (their/his) own research.
18.  Just beetwen you and (I/me), I don’t like this food.
19.  Monday is a holiday for (we/us) teacher.
20.   (Her/Hers) car does not go as fast as (our/ours).

Too dan So
            So” and “too” are useful words that can make your sentences shorter but stronger. The examples here show them used with conjunctions, but there are many applications for these words.
I went to a movie, and my friend did, too.
I went to a movie, and so did my friend.
Pay attention to word order. “Too” goes at the end of the sentence, and “so” goes after the conjunction, then the helping verb, and then the subject.
When two situations are the same, you could write a sentence like this:
I like to eat pizza, and my children like to eat pizza.
But this is better:
I like to eat pizza, and my children do, too.
I like to eat pizza, and so do my children.

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